Shipping Information

Our orders are packed to fit into the most economical USPS services for your location and size of your order. For ordering, you'll find that some of our product pages will direct you to a page that has the shipping included for your state's postal zone based on our shipping location. If you have any questions about your shipping, please send us an e-mail!

For orders within the state of Texas, sales tax will be be added.
We currently do not ship internationally.

A note about our packaging ...

You'll find our packaging to be simple and resourceful, as we fully believe in reusing and recycling. So, please don't be surprised if you find some cushioning in the form of styrofoam egg cartons in your box! Of course, they are in absolutely clean condition and only slightly used, but we find them to be extremely effective as padding for a box. With shipping costs what they are lately, we do our best to select lightweight packaging and methods that best accommodate and protect the contents with as little waste as possible.


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